A Fresh Start
If there are two things I want to do this year, they are to discover inner peace and to increase my general development. I hadn't been able to do so since I'd been consumed in prior years with trying to fit in in a world where others want so much from you. Throughout the years, I have not been able to keep my new year's resolutions because I have been busy with other issues, and I have not known where to begin since there is something within me that keeps me from reaching my goals. Fear. For years, I was afraid of being misunderstood, failing, and being abandoned by the people I cared about simply because I wasn't good enough for them. I was frightened of being abandoned. I was concerned about the prospect of it. And it is for this reason that I seek to modify my negative behaviors and cognitive patterns, as well as the things that make people detest me. Instead of altering myself for them, I will change myself for the sake of self-improvement, not for the sake of pleasing others. I felt deep down that I was capable of much more. In terms of my physical appearance, I have no desire to alter it since I am content with the physique and face that God has bestowed upon me. I want to start over with a clean slate in 2022; I want to put all of the anguish and insecurities I've been battling with this year behind me. I want to be a better version of myself. Being the best isn't something I want to strive for because I know it would never bring me true happiness. Plus, I've never aspired to be the best. Instead than aiming to be better than everyone else, I want to be better than who I was a year ago. And this time, I'm not going to allow anyone stand in my way of getting what I deserve. I would not be stopped by anything or anyone else in the name of self-improvement.
"A thousand miles begin with one step," says Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher and purported author of the Tao Te Ching. The year 2021 will be remembered as both memorable and forgettable. Each of us has been through some kind of tribulation in our personal or professional life. Given what we've learned from our experiences in the last year, I'm optimistic about a better world as we welcome new possibilities and new memories with the people we love and value in our lives as we look ahead to the year 2022. My tragic past will no longer haunt me; instead, I will learn to accept and enjoy my current circumstances while anticipating what the future may store for me.
This is Andrea Quitevis of year 2022, signing in.
Yes! Running from your unpleasant sentiments is not a solution and that you have to confront these sentiments for you to be able to move on. The year 2021 may have been horrible but I hope 2022 will be different. Belated Happy New Year Jermaine! I wish you happiness for this year.
TumugonBurahinHello Jermaine! It is true that 2021 has bought a lot of challenges and grief to us that makes it hard to look ahead of 2022 with positivity but with acceptance comes change and I’m glad you’ve found the will to accept in your heart. A very inspiring blog about self-improvement, keep it up!