Overcoming the Suffocating Health crisis Through Exhibiting Benevolence and Love this Christmas
All of us are filled with excitement as we
approach the holiday season. The holidays are a time when many individuals
travel long distances to see their families and friends. When the tree has been
decorated and gifts have been purchased months in advance, it is time to get
into the spirit of the holiday season and enjoy yourself. Every day of the
year, retail malls are decked out in festive decor to accommodate last-minute
Christmas shopping and festivities. When the holidays arrive, the streets are
ablaze with spectacular lights to welcome the season. Despite the fact that
numerous restaurants were overbooked, everyone appeared to be in a cheerful
mood. A great time of year, with family reunions and gifts, as well as the
anticipation of seeing Santa Claus! There's nothing better than spending hours
preparing cookies and plum cake with your family and then sharing the
excitement of unwrapping gifts under the Christmas tree for days on end with
them. It is unquestionably time to rejoice before the year comes to a close. On
the other hand, because of the ongoing pandemic, Christmas in 2021 will be
markedly different than any other year in recent memory. According to recent
reports, the number of people who have died as a result of this devastating
illness is increasing at an alarming rate. This year's Christmas season will be
spent apart from friends and extended family due to travel limitations and
social gathering customs. Travel restrictions, partial lockdowns, and social
isolation measures have all contributed to a gloomy holiday season atmosphere.
A number of holiday customs and festivities have been scaled back in order to
more accurately reflect the pandemic, while others have been re-envisioned.
Christmas, like every other holiday celebration, has its own set of traditions and behaviors that have been passed down from generation to generation. Traditional and customary beliefs and practices can be discovered in a variety of cultural contexts. People that celebrate Christmas all around the world have a few things in common with one another. Many individuals enjoy sharing gifts with family and friends on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, and this tradition continues today. At this time of year, everyone looks forward to receiving gifts from family and friends. The arrival of Santa Claus is highly awaited by youngsters, who are filled with wonder and naiveté as they await his arrival. A widespread belief in Santa Claus delivering gifts to children who hang stockings on their doorsteps can be found in a variety of cultural traditions. Adults, on the other hand, recognize the importance of giving rather than receiving and make preparations in advance to purchase a thoughtful gift for individuals whom they hold dear. Our love for others, our acceptance of peace, and our concern for our brothers and sisters grows stronger the more we think about God's great love for us. God's love will inspire us to help those in need and to comfort those who are vulnerable to harm. Consideration is required at this time of year, and this is especially true during the Christmas season. Remembering that our ultimate home is not here on Earth is something we must do on a regular basis. Furthermore, no matter how long we live, we will all die at some point in the future. Many people had ambitions such as getting married, purchasing a new car, or relocating to a different region. Nonetheless, they are now, regrettably, nothing more than wishful thinking that will never come to fruition in the future. Consequently, we should all be thankful that we are still alive and able to spend this Christmas with our families and friends, despite the circumstances. As a result, today is an appropriate time to express gratitude to God for his protection and inclusion among the living. Christmas should be a time for us to mend our ways with God in order to prevent being discovered lacking in our faith. Giving and sharing are at the heart of the Christmas spirit. The three wise men traveled to Bethlehem after learning of the birth of a young girl. They brought presents of gold, incense, and myrrh to the infant. When it comes to the holiday season, it's all about having an open and giving heart. It is the beating heart of the holiday season. In human history, the birth of Jesus Christ is the most significant event because it brought hope and healing to a sick planet. There are plenty gorgeous things to take pleasure in during this holiday season. To be sure, we must remember the newborn who was born on the coldest night of the year, with only hay and animal fodder for a bed, and who proved to us all the true meaning of pure and unconditional love; the infant known to us as Jesus Christ.
Even if it appears to be a coincidence, the epidemic has supplied me with a tremendous deal of knowledge and understanding. The ability to live on the minimal requirements and be content with what I already have has helped me to become more self-sufficient. What I've learned from Lockdown is the distinction between what is actually valuable in life and what is only a façade. It has given me the opportunity to take a step back in this fast changing world and appreciate what actually matters: my friends, family, and the connections I've established over the course of my life. At home, I've gone from being able to follow my daily schedule on autopilot to barely having a plan at all. As a result, I'm rediscovering my own identity. With each passing day, I'm rekindling my passions, likes, and interests—and, probably most crucially, my drive to live rather than simply survive—as I go about my life. Amusingly, it takes the full and total cessation of all activity on the planet for us to recognize that we have been going about things incorrectly for a long, long time! Putting bread on the table is obviously important, but it's also important to make sure that your heart is well-nourished with the things that it truly desires. Consider that music class you've been wanting to take since you were a child but haven't had the opportunity to do so until now. A more straightforward approach can involve spending quality time with family and friends. Despite the fact that the world looks to be falling apart on the outside, many people who have been through it have found it to be a therapeutic experience on the inside. At least, that's how it's worked for me in this situation. Because we live in an age where instant gratification is the norm and everything is available at the touch of a button, it looks that the virtue of patience has been lost. Social media and streaming platforms are constantly bombarding us with content, and text message notifications are continuously stimulating our senses. After a while, we've lost the ability to remain still and appreciate what is rather than what isn't around us, and this is a sad state of affairs. However, while the tone of my comment may come out as unforgiving, it is actually echoed in everything we do. Irrespective of whether we are attempting to achieve that perfect summer figure or learn a foreign tongue, we want it all now and do not wish to be forced to wait because waiting is tedious and time-consuming. Waiting, and more importantly, being patient, is difficult. As a result, what can we take away from this difficult period? Although the globe has come to a grinding halt as a result of the events of the past few months, there have been some positive outcomes. Because of this, we've been forced to take a step back, ponder, realize, and embrace what it means to truly live rather than simply survive. Those are sentiments that I intend to cling to for as long as I am capable of holding onto them. The fact that this year's Christmas will be different from prior years does not change the fact that it will still be Christmas. It is as a result of this that we can support it in being superb in a different way. Consider the true meaning and message of Christmas this year: peace, love, and goodwill are crucial to our own well-being as well as the well-being of all people on the face of the earth. A world free of suffering, fear, and hatred, as well as a world free of war and conflict, is something that we all desire. Let's hope that no virus interrupts all of our preparations and celebrations for the coming year.
Hi there! I appreciate the post on “Celebration of Christmas Season in its essence, amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic”; Even the situation is like this, celebration of Christmas is not a hindrance to show, celebrate, give love and happiness to one’s life.
TumugonBurahinEven though the virus is still roaming and affecting everyone, we still find a way to celebrate it. Even though we don't have our families beside us, we can still connect to them in the internet and spend the Christmas together. As you have said, when it comes to holiday seasons, it's all about having an open and giving heart. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to you : .